This one's for you and me.
Boy, you are beautiful. You have the nicest and most beautiful smile of all smiles i've seen. You have the sexiest voice and the softest skin. You have the strongest arms and you are able to give me a hug that means more than 100 words. Your face is the thing i'll remember when i think about the sweetest love i had but that never was mine. I will remember your smile and your mouth as the conection between our bodies that led poison into me and made me sick. I will remember your voice when you whisperd promises in the midnight passion as the foolish and weak moments i've had. I will remember the strenght of your arms that i only felt when you held me close but i will remember how weak you are when you let me down. When your beautiful smile turned out to be as evil as the devils and your voice as the rope that pulled me closer to you and then held me there so that I were nere only when you were bored. I will remember you as the boy who broke my heart and the boy i fell in love with.
You are gone, i don't feel you. Im over you. Thank you, ass-whole for beeing who you are. See you in school but don't expect a shit from me. A smile you will get, for beeing beautiful but you played a game and i wont say "hi" because i don't say "hi" to people i don't like.